Sono Elisa, ho 30 anni e ho una forte passione per la cucina in modo particolare per i dolci! Amo le cose semplici, ma fatte col cuore.
Questa passione mi è stata sicuramente trasmessa dalla mia formidabile mamma, casalinga doc, che ha sempre cucinato con amore ogni cosa, anche la più semplice.
Quando preparo un dolce, mi perdo tra gli ingredienti. La mia mente vola via.
Adoro fare i dolci per le persone a cui voglio bene, perché riesco a esprimere al meglio ciò che sento. Un dolce fatto con il cuore, spesso, vale molto di più di un regalo semplicemente comprato.
Ho deciso di condividere con voi la mia passione perché vorrei trasmettervene almeno un briciolo!
Siete pronti a volare con me?
I introduce myself…here I am!
I’m Elisa, I’m 30 years old and I have a great passion for cooking and in particular for cakes. I love simple things but done with the heart.
This passion was handed down by my amazing mum, a DOC housewife, who has always cooked everything - also the simplest thing - with love.
When I prepare a dessert I lose myself between the ingredients. My mind flies away. I enjoy cooking for people I care because in this way I’m able to express what I feel.
A cake made with love is often more precious than a bought present.
I’ve decided to share with you my passion because I would like to pass it on…a little bit at least!
Are you ready to fly with me?
Follow me!
I’m Elisa, I’m 30 years old and I have a great passion for cooking and in particular for cakes. I love simple things but done with the heart.
This passion was handed down by my amazing mum, a DOC housewife, who has always cooked everything - also the simplest thing - with love.
When I prepare a dessert I lose myself between the ingredients. My mind flies away. I enjoy cooking for people I care because in this way I’m able to express what I feel.
A cake made with love is often more precious than a bought present.
I’ve decided to share with you my passion because I would like to pass it on…a little bit at least!
Are you ready to fly with me?
Follow me!